Golam Morshed (Royal).
CEO Message:
I wish to express my cordial gratitude and compliments to our honorable customers, clients, bankers, suppliers, Government agencies, regulatory bodies with whom the company interacted in conducting its business. I grateful to you all for extending at all the times for your valuable support and co-operation to bring the company to the level that has been growing. The success so far only possible of the collective efforts of all concerned.
It is all with the blessing of Almighty “ALLAH” the best wishes of my sincere and well-wishers that indeed a great challenge and responsibility, try our utmost for the furtherance of trade and industry.

Nayan Ahmed
Director Message:
RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL WORKS, a renowned corporate business house located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The company motto is “Excellence in work” is defined the condition of surprising some standards of expectations of company personnel.
Delegation of authority, humble leadership, vigilant management and persistence in quality are the core pillars to the company’s success.
We will continue to strengthen these efforts, aiming to realize continuous growth and advancement by the thorough application of our principles of customer-first, good quality, affordable price and commitment. We look forward to have your advice.